Summary: Arsenic for Tea by Robin Stevens

After I enjoyed the first book in the Murder Most Unladylike Mysteries so much I had to read another as I fell in love with characters Daisy Wells and Hazel Wong. As I mentioned in my blog for ‘Murder Most Unladylike’ I want to part of the Detective Society so much!

‘Arsenic for Tea’ did not disappoint. This book isn’t set at Deepdean School for Girls like the first book but at Daisy Wells’ home, Fallingford. Surely nothing sinister would happen here during a school holiday? Well of course it does! For Daisy’s birthday she has her best friend Hazel staying with her along with fellow school friends Beanie and Kitty. But, one of the guests falls fatally ill and something points to him being poisoned! Obviously Daisy and Hazel jump into action and want to find out what has happened to this man but everyone staying at the house is close to Daisy! With the help of new Detective Society recruits Beanie and Kittie can they solve the mystery?

I rate this book: 4.5/5

AR Level: 5.2

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