Summary: Tender by Eve Ainsworth

Tender is a beautifully written book about two teenagers who face some very difficult challenges in their lives and both pretend they are not happening. Marty has a mum who suffers from depression and is a young carer which impacts on his education and friendships. Daisy has a younger brother who has a terminal condition and feels neglected by her parents as all their attention is on him, which she does understand to a certain extent and worries about her brother everyday. They both attend a group for young people where they meet and embark on a journey together but will they tell each other their secrets or will it ruin their friendship altogether?

I adored this book and read it in one setting as everybody knows a teenager who is going through so much! It was nice to read from the perspective of the teenager and look into their lives (although written by someone else) but, it is very clear that Eve has worked with teenagers with such issues in the past and to get their voices out there so confidently is really powerful. This book does include some content that some readers may find upsetting but if you work in a pastoral role with teenagers, please read this book as it is so inspiring.

I rate this book: 5/5

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