Summary: The Return of the Railway Children by Lou Kuenzler

I first read the classic novel ‘The Railway Children’ as a child with my mum as she knew I would enjoy it, yes she was right and I have still have the copy that belonged to my grandma as a child.

When I saw this book ‘The a Return of the Railway Children’ at my recent Scholastic Book Fair I had to have it. I was so impressed that someone had decided to take on and write a sequel to such a popular classic, to me that is brave and it had to be done just right. Even though I wanted to read this book so much I was also a little scared as I really didn’t want to be disappointed.

Well I wasn’t! I read this book in a day as I was taken back to that those days when I first read The Railway Children. This book is cleverly written and it is obvious that Lou Kuenzler must also love E. Nesbit’s original classic.

This book is about a young girl called Edie who is the daughter of Phyllis, one of the original Railway Children. It is set during the Second World War and Edie is evacuated from London to live with her Aunt Roberta (also an original railway child) at the Three Chimneys in Yorkshire. On the journey she meets fellow evacuees Gus and Greta who also end up being taken it by Roberta and the three children live together at the Three chimneys along with their Uncle Peter (also an original child from the Railway Children). Edie, Gus and Greta embark on many adventures, but dark secrets lurk within the village. Can the three children help to solve them and have fun on the Railway?

I rate this book: 5/5

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